Suit sleeve buttons

Suit sleeve buttons

A well-made suit can be distinguished by the details. One of the features of a high quality custom suit are the ‘Working cuffs’ – the suit sleeve buttons that are functional and work.

The suit details: Working cuffs and kissing buttons
Nonkissing buttons

They are also known as ‘Surgeon’s Cuffs’, after the military surgeons who had to unbutton and roll up their sleeves to work in the field.

Nowadays gentlemen leave that last sleeve button unbuttoned in order to show the world that their suit is one of higher quality.

The suit details: Working cuffs and kissing buttons
Kissing nonstacked buttons

Kissing buttons are buttons that touch slightly as opposed to being spaced apart.
Kissing buttons that are touching and slightly overlapping one another are known as kissing stacked buttons or ‘waterfall’ buttons. They are popular with Italian suits.

The suit details: Working cuffs and kissing buttons
Kissing stacked buttons

Categories: Fashion

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