Guillaume Bo is the creator of Men Need More Style – a Facebook page, dedicated to timeless and classic elegance.
So, you promote men’s fashion and elegance?
” Not men’s fashion. My mission and my Facebook and instagram (@gui_bo) pages are dedicated to timeless and classic elegance. I am not a dandy at all, I am not a fashionista. I am just a classic gentleman with a modern twist.”
I saw your Facebook page. Do you also have a site?
“I only have a Facebook page. Actually, it was a choice, because I was living in Montreal when I decided to launch it because for years people were telling me I was so elegant and stylish so I said to my self I should give men a few advices, a few ideas and tips. Step by step it became bigger and bigger. Now it is only called Men Need More Style, because I do live in France now. Since my first time at Pitti Uomo it’s even bigger. At first it was not about me at all, I did not share my pictures actually. It was only about style. Since the first Pitti I also created an Instagram. Being one of the most photographed men at Pitti I decided to show my own style too. So I thought what I could do to help men to be more stylish. I wanted people to read it like they could read a cool newspaper.”
Do you work as a stylist?
I don’t like this word actually. 99% of stylists, especially for men, do not know what they talk about. I mean for elegance. For me the only exception would be Tom Ford, but even he made a lot of mistakes at first. You must first need to know the codes, you must read a lot, do mistakes for years and after that you will be stylish. It’s not because you just wore a blazer and nice shoes you are elegant. It’s not that easy. You know what I mean? It’s the knowledge.
Because a small guy will not be able to wear the same things like me, for example, or a really big man, with a lot of muscles will not be able to wear the same thing like me neither. You must know yourself first. A black man can wear a lot of different colors. Me, with my very white skin, if I wear red, it won’t look nice. So many different things like this.
What is your job actually?
I do help companies, brands to grow, to upgrade their image. I do help CEO’s to upgrade their image. And at the same time I am also a model, a brand ambassador, marketing, community manager. I do a lot of different things actually.
What is your mission?
My mission is to make men understand that style is not about money. This is very important for me. There are top companies with the top qiality but at the right price. This is why I am not obsessed by stylists and famous brands. They mean nothing, you know what I mean? Real luxury is about understatement. Not every time, sometimes you can afford to wear a crazy hat, why not. You mustn’t be boring all the time. Sometimes people think Savile Row can be boring, dated, old fashioned, but this is not true at all. Especially when you think about their country attires, the colors, the fabrics… Many people prefer Italian style. They do think it’s more casual, more cool. But it’s not so simple. You can find very classic cuts and combinations in Italy too. But you don’t need to put big brands on your shirt or on your clothes to be stylish. It has nothing to do with that.
So my mission is to make people understand that even if you are poor wearing the good clothes and to choose the right ones can be very helpful. At first I was very poor and the first time I bought my first really nice pair of shoes I was like crazy, you know. I sleapt with them. I was 19 years old, I was a football player. And I still have them and they are still very nice.
Good shoes last longer.
Exactly. This is the same for classic style.